Archive for the 'Writing' Category

Where Do You Do It?

December 20, 2010 | Writing

Ah, I got your attention – didn’t I? So let’s get down to the real nitty gritty , I’m talking about where do you do it – your manuscript revisions? You know that novel you’ve been working on? Slaving over? Just dying to get to ‘The End’ again.

This question came to me as I finish revising my completed manuscript. First, let me say here that I will never write a full manuscript again without some type of ongoing revision schedule in place. I looked at 350 pages and cried. What the Frack had I done? So once I dried my tears, I sought a better more sane way to do this with future work. Which then brought up the question: Where do I do it (revisions)? I’d read published authors advise not to revise in the same place you write. Reason being you’ll get a clearer, fresher perspective on your work if done in another room or another place. Sounded reasonable so I decided to ask authors available on online groups I belong to where they did it (revisions).

The answers I received can be applied to whether you are a plotter or organic writer (which is a much better term than panster). And the consensus was: wherever you feel comfortable and just do it (revisions).

Two authors do it (revisions) in bed. Alone. They print out the entire novel or pages, and work page by page and then input changes on their computer. One stated ‘Is there a better place to write romance than in bed?’ She said she felt special surrounded by books, dictionaries, thesaurus and paper. She also said she locked the door. I considered their method and the Goldilocks in me said I’d be asleep in ten minutes. I don’t find my work, even in its crappiest form dull, but a bed is way too comfortable. I admire their discipline. It also means you don’t have to make your bed.

Another author said she did it (revisions) whenever and wherever she could. Given she worked and had two small children, she’d learn to do mini-edits at doctor’s offices, sport practices and could shut out the distractions. Me I’m too damn nosy you never know when someone might provide a potential juicy plot. However once a woman behind me in the grocery line was sobbing on her cell phone to a man about how he done her wrong. I was extremely uncomfortable and got the heck out of there quickly as possible. When my son had tennis lessons with his pro, I was too busy making sure every bit of my money was rung out him on the court to concentrate on revisions. Another published author did it (revisions) on the morning train to work. It worked for Scott Turow and it works for her, she’s multi-published.

So it came down to this, where you do it (revisions) is a matter of choice and where you can achieve the most success. I’ve held several revision sessions on the computer but everyone agreed it was best to print the pages. So now do I and use a purple, green, or purple pen to mark it up, then input changes on my computer. As for where I do it (revisions) it boiled down to my writing room. I confiscated the living room six years ago and remodeled it into my domain. It is a ‘relatively unchanging environment’ as one writer said why she preferred her writing space. It’s my space and my children have felt my wrath if they enter without knocking or use my computer to check Facebook.

The reason I put revisions in parenthesis is to keep your mind on what I mean by ‘where do you do it’. You know how a romance writer’s mind works.

As 2011 draws to a close and the holiday season is on us, keep doing it (revisions) so when 2012 blasts in you’ll do it consistently and in the right place. Keep writing.

Oh I was going to write about Weight Watchers and writing, but since they changed the program that subject will be tackled in 2011. Still good stuff.

Happy Yule,


This Phoenix is Rising

March 14, 2009 | Writing

Other than ‘personal summers’ and I’m not going to explain this. If you’re over forty you know what I’m talking about.

It’s time for this Phoenix to update her website and by April all the changes will be complete.

So what have I been doing since my last blog?
1. Coaching a girls tennis team. Now that was fun.
2. Rewriting my novel because of a hard drive crash and my not backing up my data like I should have. That was not fun, but I added more to the story this time around, so I count this as editing.
3. Watching Battlestar Galactica. The series finale is next week and as much as I don’t want the program to end, like a great series written, you have to know when to end it. I suppose this means I’ll have more time to write Friday evenings.
4. Okay I’ve been playing tennis. This passion has moved down the list due to injury, my desire to write and pursue publication.

One of the changes to my site will be I will no longer blog. Past blogs will be archived. I’ve thought of something different and more interactive.

So see ya later. Keep writing, enjoy life, and celebrate spring.

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December 4, 2007 | Writing


They say, ‘The more things change, the more they stay the same’, well we’re about to say goodbye to 2007 and welcome 2008. Change is good, reluctant or planned, maybe both. So being the Phoenix that I am, I’m lighting a creative fire under my website and evolving a new idea.

Beginning January 2008 my Blog page will be replaced with ‘Phoenix Rising’ a bimonthly highlight in writing and life page. My writing, other authors, and information I come across that might be useful to you will be available. Also this page will be interactive – I hope. If there is a subject, opinion, rant, or disagreement with what I’ve said, you email me at YasminePhoenix@aol.com and I’ll respond. No cooking assistance will be provided; you can email SloaneTaylor for assistance.

Of course you can count on the following topics to be addressed, Battlestar Galactica, tennis, and handbags. I know you’re asking what these three things possibly have to do with writing or life. Glad you asked. Battlestar Galactica is one of the most well written and acted television programs to come along in a long time. The opportunity for writers to view the goals, motivation, and conflict of each character is awesome. Plus the hot pilots, Apollo and Helo don’t hurt.

Tennis is my way of relaxing, reducing stress and it provides much needed interaction after I’ve spent a few days bent over my keyboard attempting to find another word for felt. My tennis team is an awesome group of women.

Handbags, please. A writer carries in their handbag paper and pen to jot down ideas, dialogue or snippets of information for their work in progress, a mirror, and protein bars. It is very important we have the correct bag, not too large, definitely not too small, but always fashionable. And women know one handbag can not possibly meet all of the above criteria, so we have to have several to meet the needs of a particular day. If my hubby asks, this is my story and I’m sticking to it. Feel free to use my reasoning if necessary.

So I hope the rest of 2007 is spent writing, enjoying your family and friends, and remember to celebrate every positive thing you did to improve your writing career and life. No matter if you think its minuscule, it’s still a step in the right direction. Even if you gained ten pounds, relax it could have been fifteen! (Not saying I did)


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What I Learned the 2007 Summer

September 18, 2007 | Writing

I don’t meet with my critique partners during the summer. It appears I have less time than in the fall. I miss the ladies and tonight was my first meeting back! Great stuff going on.
Now that September has arrived, I thought I’d share what I learned this summer. No particular order.
1. Model in a Bottle really works.
2. Juking is not a sport.
3. Really nice restaurants leave a bit of the straw paper on the top of the straw when serving your cold drink.
4. Airline travel – SUCKS!
5. If you can’t afford to buy a t-shirt with a saying printed on it, please don’t wear one with a saying written with a magic marker.
6. While driving from Georgia to South Carolina I thought about the Civil War and how long it took for information to travel about the battles. Cell phones and faxes would have been great.
7. If we don’t use our talents, take advantage of them, then they’re wasted.
8. Double toilet rolls means means more tissue on a roll, NOT thicker ply tissue.
9. Losing weight can be as much fun as eating.
10. When your Internet connection goes down, you are all alone in the world.
11. You can’t spend money twice, but you sure can try.
12. There is no such thing as the perfect handbag.
13. JMan is maturing and hiding it well.
14. Eating is fun.
15. I can find a Starbucks anywhere!
16. I’m a vegetarian, but when I play tennis I crave Big Macs and hot dogs.
17. Hot flashes: Johnny Storm of the Fantastic Four has got nothing on me. “Flame on!”
18. If you put away clean clothes, they will be worn and dirty again. So don’t put them away.
19. Law and Order Mondays are fantastic.
20. I love westerns and they’re making a comeback.
21. I can watch tennis matches on the Internet.
22. Why don’t some celebrities in real life, look like their publicity shots?
23. Shopping in Home Depot can be almost as much fun as shopping at Macys. I SAID ALMOST!!
24. Skye, my beagle, loves me.
25. Note to OJ Simpson – Johnny Cochran is dead.
26. Virginia Tech – mans’ brutality can only be exceeded by his imagination of how to inflict brutality.
27. Molly Herwood always has my back. That’s because she’s always pushing me forward.
28. JGirl is enjoying her single adult life and I have a place to visit.
29. During my trip to South Carolina and visiting my father’s family, I tried to imagine what it was like for him to grow up as the son of a sharecropper.
30. I miss my parents very, very much.
31. I’m still married. What is wrong with this guy?
32. You can go home again, however – a. it might be torn down and turned into a Starbucks, b. the neighborhood has changed; c. no one remembers you; d. you don’t remember anyone; but e. your memories will last you a lifetime and make you smile.
33. Reality shows are surreal.
34. Men gossip, they call it sports talk radio.
35. A lot of women look like me, not Halle Berry or some model.
36. About #31, I could never be married to anyone else but him.

There are probably other things I learned this summer, but this is the top of the list.


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