Day 2 and Still On Track

January 2, 2006 | Writing

Today is the first day of an online class I’m taking entitled, Defeat Self Defeating Behaviors: Allow Writing Productivity to Soar. It’s taught by Margie Lawson, a counseling psychologist. So far today’s lecture has been a real eye opener. The class is fairly large, with published and pre-published writers/authors. Margie has asked us to keep a notebook, and not write long missives to ourselves, but basically power point what’s holding us back. Procrastination, writer’s block, time drains. She’s going to address them all. Meanwhile, I plod along with my line editing. I find I’m really starting to enjoy it. Yesterday, I wanted to just kill Elizabeth and Stephen and rename my book, “Romeo and Juliet in Black and White, but Still Dead.” Sloane encouraged me not to, and suggested more sex and a dream menage that I’m going to add at the end. It actually fits, Elizabeth realizes who she really loves. Critique Partners, you gotta have ’em and you gotta love ’em. I’m still aiming for Friday, January 13th completion and submission to my critique partners for final review. This serves as their warning. This means, I can practice tennis, but no tennis matches for me until February. Gotta make allowances for the craft.

This month, Beth Anderson, a Chicago crime mystery novelist, has agreed to provide information on point of view. It was Beth who finally got me to see point of view. Now she’s working on my commas. Her work is never done. She will be posting on my Writing, Humps, Dumps and Lumps page beginning January 11th, weekly, and will be taking questions. I invite you to read, ask questions, or contribute what you know about good old point of view. Now, that’s my point of view.

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  1. Hey Yasmine, This sounds like a course that I’m badly in need of. Where are you taking it? I may sign up! 🙂 Thanks!


  2. Ah Pink Pen, I highly recommend it you may still be able to get in. http://www.WriterUniv.com, look for the class. Hope to see you there!


  3. Good luck with the class, Yasmine. And I’ll stop by your Humps, Dumps and Lumps page and see what Beth has to say. Great idea!


  4. Bring it on, Baby! Can’t wait to see Elizabeth and Stephen in print.

    Looking forward to Beth Anderson’s POV lecture. I’m already storing up questions for her.


  5. Sherrill and Sloane, I look forward to you participating. I’ll update everyone about the class I’m taking also. Lots of writers and lot of emails! Whew!


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