January 5, 2006 | Inspiration
Something marvelous occurred to me after my Wednesday blog and reading the blog of Sherrill Quinn. She was asking how has the internet changed our lives. Well, one important way, besides major shopping from home, is you really don’t know what the racial identity is of those you’re communicating with. You also don’t know if the person you’re emailing really is a twelve year old girl and not a forty year old police office that’s gonna kick your ass, post your picture all over the country and send you to jail with others of your kind, that need a girlfriend real bad. Unless you ask, or you get hints as to the color of your friends’ skin, it really doesn’t matter. We communicate based on likes, dislikes, common afflictions (like writing) and it’s all good. es, it does take away the actual face to face interaction, but that can occur later. We even belong to one or two of the same groups. I’m looking forward to RWA’s Conference in Atlanta. Last year, I was in a workshop given by Ellora’s Cave, and I just knew , there were some brazen vixens in the room. But, I didn’t raise my hand and ask, fear that Raelene might look at me crazy had a lot to do with it to. This year, we’re gonna find each other, learn, party and shop!
Alas, I won’t be in Atlanta this year. I chose to spend my money (and less of it) closer to home by going to the Desert Rose chapter’s bi-annual Desert Dreams Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona.
But I expect you to hook up with those vixens who are there and party hearty for me!
Darn Sherrill, there must be someway to hook up with you. Gotta a video cam? I don’t know if I want you to see what I look like after writing and no makeup.
You an’ me both, baby. I’m kinda scary looking without makeup. With makeup, too, but not as scary when I’ve “got my face on.”